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The September 2024 Content Leaderboard

  • ,  Senior Investment Content Specialist |
  • 23 Sep 2024
  • Updated 24 Sep 2024


The most downloaded papers in September 2024

Each month, we present the best-performing papers of the number by number of downloads.

The Data Center Investment Opportunity (Principal Real Estate Investors)

The data center investment opportunity is characterized by enormous demand that’s outpacing supply and an unprecedented amount of capital required.

Picture This: Our Forecast in 7 Charts (Wellington Management)

What should investors expect for the remainder of 2024? View a visual summary of our Investment Outlook in seven compelling charts.

Why Private Credit Is Tapping into Asset-Based Lending (Oliver Wyman)

How large is the addressable market? Oliver Wyman’s new estimates suggest specialty finance is a $5.5 trillion asset opportunity in the United States alone, where private credit today has less than a 5% share.

Global Top 300 Pension Funds 2024 (Thinking Ahead Institute)

This research highlights high-level trends in the pension fund industry and provides information on how the characteristics of these top funds have changed.

5-Year Expected Returns, 2025-2029: Atlas Lifted (Robeco)

This year’s report features the mythological titan Atlas, who lifts the world on his shoulders with the help of entrepreneurial innovations in artificial intelligence and an abundance of other profitable investment opportunities.

What the Future Holds for Quant Investing: Ten Hypotheses (Robeco)

The theory and practice of quantitative investing kicked off in the ‘50s. Leading the way were well-known models such as Markowitz’s Modern Portfolio Theory, Sharpe’s Capital Asset Pricing Model, and Fama’s Efficient Market Hypothesis.

2023 Private Markets Review: Cambridge Associates Benchmarks versus Public Indices (S&P Dow Jones Indices)

The Cambridge Associates private investment benchmarking universe is broad and granular, reflecting the diverse opportunity set in private markets.

The After-Fee Performance of Private Debt (Alpha Architect)

Private debt funds are a rapidly growing part of the private capital market. Isil Erel, Thomas Flanagan, and Michael Weisbach, authors of the April study “Risk-Adjusting the Returns to Private Debt Funds,” evaluate those risk-adjusted returns.

Sixty Years of Global Inflation: A Post-GFC Update (BIS)

Private debt funds are a rapidly growing part of the private capital market. Isil Erel, Thomas Flanagan, and Michael Weisbach, authors of the study “Risk-Adjusting the Returns to Private Debt Funds,” evaluate those risk-adjusted returns.

The Benefits of ‘Quantamental’ Thematic Investing (Robeco)

As successful as fundamental thematic investing has been, Robeco believes it has certain drawbacks that can be addressed by applying quantitative techniques.