
What types of content does Savvy Investor publish?

Savvy Investor is designed for content outside of the scope of MiFID II. We curate papers from asset managers, consultants, professional bodies and academics. We only link to content which is freely available online. We don’t publish content relating to individual securities and we don't partner with investment banks to distribute their research. 

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Who may publish an article or white paper?

In order to publish content on Savvy Investor, you must be part of an "Approved Company". You can find out more about becoming an Approved Company here.

To publish on behalf of an Approved Company, you must be authorised by the Company Manager as a "Company Writer" working for an asset manager, investment consultant, professional organisation or academic body.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

How do I publish content?

To post content, you must be a Partner of Savvy Investor.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Can I update or edit my content?

Yes. Simply revisit the content you wish to update, click "edit" and make the required changes. To view all of your published content, visit my contributions. A Company Manager or Company Writer can edit any content written in the company name.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Who may list a conference?

Conferences may be listed only by employees of "approved conference companies" who have been given 'company writer' status. To request recognition for your company as an "approved conference company" please get in touch via our contact page or at support@savvyinvestor.net.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any tips for using the text editor to write articles?

"Top tips" for using the text editor to write articles:

  1. If you can copy content from your website, do so. The formatting should carry across perfectly;
  2. If copying from Word, check formatting such as bullet points or numbering. Certain Word formats do not format well in HTML;
  3. It may be helpful to use a larger window in order to expand the size of the text editor;
  4. Check your article immediately after publishing and edit as necessary. 
  • Frequently Asked Questions

How can I add an image to my article?

Click the "image" icon to add an image - you can then use the 'Choose File' button to search for the image and upload it.

Use the 'Alternative Text' box to add some brief text that describes the image. You can also choose whether the image is left/center/right aligned.

Be sure to check how your images look in your published content, and amend if necessary.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

How can I add a table to my article?

Click the "table" icon and enter the required number of rows and columns (including headings). The column widths will adjust automatically as you enter data to the table.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to write "in the company name"

Content on Savvy Investor is published "in the company name". This means the company name is shown and that content may be edited or deleted by any Company Writer or Company Manager. 

Only Partners and Approved Companies can post content - to find out more about becoming an Approved Company click here.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Who may write content in the company name?

To write content on behalf of a company, your Company Manager must authorise you as a Company Writer.

Only Approved Companies can post content - to find out more, click here.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Who 'owns' the content published by a company?

Content on Savvy Investor is published in the company name and owned by the company. When the original author leaves the company, content remains under the control of the company.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

How should the "disclaimer" text be used?

Different companies around the world operate under different regulatory codes. Some companies require detailed legal disclaimers, risk warnings or other statements to appear after a post. The disclaimer field allows you to provide this text. A Company Manager may set a company-wide legal disclaimer by going to the "employee permissions" tab (in the Company Manager section) and clicking "disclaimer". From here a disclaimer may be set, which will automatically be generated when an item is posted in the Company Name. 

  • Frequently Asked Questions

How is site content moderated?

Content submitted to the site by members does not require pre-approval from Savvy Investor. Following publication, we check that each item of content is consistent with site guidelines. Where this is not the case, we may edit or delete the content, writing to the author as appropriate. In addition, a system of flagging is employed to enable members to police the site and help us to maintain high levels of professionalism.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

"Sharing" of content

You may share content to LinkedIn, Twitter or Google +  by clicking the "share" button at the bottom of any content page on Savvy Investor. 

  • Frequently Asked Questions