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Special Reports

We work with selected partners to create our Special Reports, which discuss the latest research on topics and themes of particular interest to our institutional investor audience.

Each report is sponsored by one or more companies, enabling our sponsors to demonstrate their credentials as “thought leaders” and to generate high-quality leads from investors who have downloaded the content.

Features Sponsorship Benefits
Keynote Paper A two-page introduction to your keynote paper, with a link to your content
Advertisement A full page A4 ad in the report
Ask the Expert’ feature Ask the Expert’ interview with transcription and editorial write-up by the Savvy Content Team
Report Promoted on Savvy Investor High Visibility on Home Page
Report Promoted by dedicated email Targeted email campaign to Savvy Investor members and at least 30,000 other investment professionals
Report Promoted via newsletter Featured twice in our weekly newsletter
Report Promoted via social media Particularly via LinkedIn and LinkedIn groups
Views Benchmark expectation – 800-1200 views
Lead Generation Benchmark expectation – 400-600 leads
Sole Sponsorship $26,000
Two or more sponsors $19,000

Further Information

  • For Partners upgrading from a Promoted Paper to a Special Report, these prices will be discounted by $5,650
  • For the most up-to-date Editorial Schedule, please download the Media Pack. We can normally insert a new topic into the schedule with 4-6 weeks' notice.
  • To discuss further, please email