Higher Risk-Adjusted Returns: New and traditional approaches
Dissecting the Potential of Machine Learning and the Return of Factor Investing
In the never-ending search for alpha, many are hoping that machine learning (ML) can be a game changer. The potential is without question but there are challenges in applying it to finance, which differs from other areas of modern life where ML has made significant impact.
READ NOW: Higher Risk-Adjusted Returns: New and traditional approaches (Special Report, 2023)
Partly as a result of these developments, some are questioning whether there will still be a role for traditional factor investing. Perhaps the best outcome would be a blend of new and traditional in unlocking new sources of alpha going forward.

Higher Risk-Adjusted Returns: New and traditional approaches (Special Report, 2023)
This Special Report analyses the motivations, challenges, and solutions of using ML in investing. Looking from a practitioner’s perspective, industry experts consider how machine learning compares to traditional techniques, and specific examples of its application.