Webinar: Sustainability in the world of Money Market Funds (BNP Paribas AM, 2021)
WATCH NOW: Sustainability in the world of Money Market Funds
The rapid and ongoing adoption of ESG across global industries has seen sustainable investments soar. However, fixed income markets and money markets have been slower to adopt ESG.
But why is this and how long will it take for these markets to catch up?
In this webinar, BNP Paribas Asset Management's Marc Fleury, Co-Head of Liquidity Solutions, Sheila ter Laag, Global Head of ESG Specialists, and Thibault Malin, Money Market Investment Specialist, come together to discuss:
- The complexities behind implementing ESG in Money Market Funds
- How ESG focused regulation, such as SFDR and AMF, has impacted the industry
- What investors with a sustainable risk/return mindset need to consider
- Why BNP Paribas Asset Management are leading the way for socially responsible Money Market Funds

CLICK TO WATCH: Sustainability in the world of Money Market Funds