Best Emerging Markets Paper 2019
PineBridge Investments wins "Best Emerging Markets Paper 2019"
China will soon surpass the United States as the world's largest economy. Three of the top five global corporations are Chinese, and more than 300 Chinese cities have residential populations of over 1 million people. Investors should prepare themselves for the opportunities and risks that arise alongside the ascent of China. A great place to start is PineBridge's winning paper on China's 'icebergs' of innovation.

China Icebergs: Forces That Could Reshape the World (Economist Intelligence Unit / PineBridge)
Together with the Economist Intelligence Unit, PineBridge details some of the dynamics of the Chinese economy that have led to the rise of Chinese corporations like ByteDance, Baidu, Tencent and CIBC. From economic and demographic updates to surprising industry-specific data (like China's share of global cement production) this report uncovers some of the deep-seated trends that are prevalent within the Chinese economy.
Investing in the Changing Shape of Emerging Markets (Amundi Asset Management)
For compliance reasons, this paper is NOT accessible in the United States
From China A-shares to emerging market (EM) bond markets, Amundi addresses the changing shape of the investment landscape in emerging markets. Specific local knowledge is imperative in EMs due to differences in the drivers of and facets within local economies. Given the projected diminishing returns of developed markets, it is becoming more and more important for global investors to gain in-depth knowledge of EM investments.
Avoiding “diversification decay” in Emerging-Markets debt (Eaton Vance)
For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies
EM bonds are good portfolio diversifiers, but Eaton Vance suggests investors should look to include 'off-benchmark' bonds within their allocations. Because smaller markets aren't as exposed to the same economic factors within developed markets, investors in bonds from these smaller markets can obtain more significant benefits from this type of diversification.
The Global Ramifications of a China Debt Crisis (Moody's)
Moody's analysts discuss the threat of a hard landing in China due to a Chinese debt crisis, with specific insight into its potential effects on the rest of Asia and other emerging markets (EMs). China's shadow banking sector plays a hugely significant role. The report concludes with an appendix showing five years' projections on the effects of a Chinese debt crisis on variables such as GDP, unemployment and interest rates across EMs.
Uncovering Alpha Opportunities in EM Corporates (PGIM Fixed Income)
Investors' continual search for yield has pushed some towards emerging market (EM) corporate debt. However, the peculiarities of EMs frequently make the fundamental analysis of EM corporates more complicated than their developed market counterparts. PGIM Fixed Income analysts describe the opportunity set within EM corporate bonds and why in-depth knowledge of the local market is critical to investors' success.
The future of EMs: A development marathon, not a growth sprint (Wellington Management)
Wellington Management shows that economic development metrics provide more granular insights into economic growth and economic potential within emerging markets (EMs). Additionally, more so than in developed markets, a commitment to sustainable development practices and other ESG goals is an indicator of investment stability (and investability) within EMs.
Banning Huawei: an act of economic war (Hermes Investment Management)
For compliance reasons, this paper is NOT accessible in the United States
Why did the United States blacklist Huawei, and what are the economic implications of this decision? Hermes discusses the ramifications of a disruption in Huawei's supply chain, including its impact upon US technology firms that are significant suppliers of specific components. This paper is written in the context of the ongoing trade war between the United States and China.
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