Best Megatrends Paper 2019
BNY Mellon Investment Management wins "Best Megatrends Paper 2019"
Our "Megatrends" award category considers papers that are written about big secular trends, with the capacity to create structural change in the economic or investment landscape. This includes, for instance, trends that are demographic, technological, societal, geographic or environmental in origin. BNY Mellon Investment Management’s winning paper identifies two of these megatrends, along with the challenges they present and a discussion of how investors should respond.

Future-Proofing Your Asset Allocation in the Age of Mega Trends (BNY Mellon IM /CREATE-Research)
The two secular megatrends that BNY Mellon/CREATE-Research have identified are artificial intelligence (AI) and climate change. Through interviews with some of the world's top investors and asset allocators, the authors dig deeper into the challenges at hand for the investment community and exactly how investors and asset allocators are adapting and attempting to future-proof their portfolios.
Five things you should know about trends investing (Robeco)
Robeco identifies three categories of megatrends - those that are technology-related, sociodemographic trends, and the need to protect the planet. The transformative technology supertrend encompasses AI, gene sequencing, IoT, IR 4.0, big data, and machine learning. Sociodemographic trends include urbanization, the rise of the EM middle class, and changing consumer preferences. "Preserving Earth" subsumes environmental awareness, clean energy, electric vehicles, sustainable food production, and other initiatives. Recognizing and understanding how to invest in these trends also involves capturing alpha from behavioral biases.
Tech Trends 2019: Beyond the digital frontier (Deloitte)
Deloitte's 'Tech Trends 2019' presents eight chapters that are intended to guide investors through the most promising technology-related trends of this year. The sheer velocity of change in the field of technology is surprising, which reinforces the need to stay abreast of the latest developments like blockchain and digital reality.
Megatrends: The forces shaping our future (iShares)
For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies
iShares identifies five megatrends creating structural shifts that are rippling across the global economy - rapid urbanisation, climate changes and resource scarcity, demographics and social changes, emerging global wealth, and technological breakthroughs. Their discussion of the emerging global wealth trend highlights the rise of the middle class in India and China, infrastructure developments such as the Belt and Road project, and related investment opportunities in emerging markets.
Megatrends: The economics of a graying world (Vanguard)
This Vanguard paper focuses on demographics, specifically zoning in on the economic implications of lower population growth and longer life expectancies. Within the next 25 years, the global population of over-65-year-olds is expected to almost double. This also means that a smaller working class will be left to support them. Vanguard's discussion centers around several common assumptions about aging populations.
Artificial Intelligence: Real opportunity (Franklin Templeton)
Artificial intelligence is a transformational technology. High speed internet access, cloud computing, and the mountains of data that humankind produces today provide a ripe environment for advancements in AI. But with computing power being commoditized and many data sets being shared, Franklin Templeton suggests that the real winners from AI will be the organizations that possess proprietary data sets, as well as the ability to analyze and draw insight from them.
Machine Learning for Investment Managers (SimCorp)
SimCorp expounds upon four ways that artificial intelligence and machine learning can be utilised in the investment management industry. For example, pre-emptive automation may be able to improve back office functionality by predicting the likelihood that a trade is able to match and settle properly.
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