Best Real Assets Paper 2019
Nuveen wins "Best Real Assets Paper 2019"
Urbanization is a significant trend for real asset investors; it raises agricultural concerns, necessitates further improvements in the infrastructure of cities, and it increases the need for affordable housing solutions – to name just a few of the effects that it has upon the local economy. Urbanization is occurring in developed as well as emerging markets, which further stresses the need to be aware of its impact. Nuveen’s winning paper discusses urbanization in detail and illustrates how real asset investors can manage this significant trend.

Upcoming Urbanites: Urbanization drives major economic shifts (Nuveen)
As urbanization drives people away from rural locations, farms will need to become more efficient. Putting additional stress on urban infrastructure will exacerbate the need for further investment, with more than USD 90 trillion of investments in global infrastructure being required over the next 20-25 years. Nuveen describes these and other economic shifts resulting from the massive global trend towards urbanization.
Real Assets & Portfolio Construction for Institutional Investors (PGIM Institutional Advisory & Solutions)
Different types of real assets have varying sensitivities to macroeconomic variables and financial markets, so institutional investors should not treat all real assets the same way when constructing multi-asset portfolios. PGIM describes three types of real asset strategies and their potential uses for pension plans.
Real Assets Study (Aviva Investors)
For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in the UK & Europe
Conducted by Aviva Investors during Q2 of 2019, this "Real Assets Study" gathered responses from 500 executives and investors at pension schemes and insurance companies across Europe. It includes insights into their appetite for increasing allocations to specific real asset sectors, the importance of ESG considerations within their organizations, and their likely asset allocation decisions.
Emerging Trends in Real Estate: Global Outlook (PwC)
PwC presents a report on trends within the real estate industry. Despite a degree of political and economic uncertainty, capital continues to flow into real estate, including alternative sectors of the real estate market such as student housing and storage units. Investors are also mindful of changing demands; consumers are now seeking out greener spaces, coworking facilities, and shopping online instead of at many traditional mall retailers.
Climate risk in private real estate portfolios: What’s the exposure? (MSCI)
MSCI looks at the exposure, within institutional portfolios, of private real estate assets to climate-related risks. Some of these risks include flooding, hurricanes, and water stress. Analyzing data from over 23,000 properties in five different global regions, they found that water stress is especially relevant in Australia and South Africa, while hurricanes are the most critical climate risk in the United States. Flooding creates significant issues in some parts of the U.K. and the Netherlands. Institutional investors confronting these risks may wish to avoid high-risk locations or transfer some of their climate risk exposures on existing properties via insurance contracts.
Global Real Estate Summary (UBS AM)
UBS Asset Management's Global Real Estate Summary begins with an overview of monetary policy before moving on to discuss the performance of real estate sectors across the globe and the current outlook for global real estate markets. At 28 pages, it is a very comprehensive quarterly outlook document for this asset class.
The role of real assets in shaping a sustainable future (Aviva Investors)
For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies
Aviva Investors show in this report, how investments in Real Assets can enable investors to have a meaningful impact on society. For instance, infrastructure improvements are one of the U.N.'s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and green real estate projects can help to curb carbon dioxide emissions.
Real Assets - The New Mainstream (Aquila Capital)
Aquila Capital's paper outlines how low yields in fixed income for the foreseeable future (along with other factors) may push institutional investors to increase allocations to real assets. As a result of additional investment, real assets may be propelled to a point where they are considered a mainstream asset class.
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