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ESG & Sustainable Investing For a Greener Economy

  • ,  Senior Investment Writer |
  • 05 Aug 2022

ESG investing

Sustainable & Socially Responsible Investing for a Greener Economy

ESG, sustainable investing, socially responsible allocation and impact strategies are all related, but slightly different, concepts. They are all bound by the ethos of transitioning to a greener economy. In order to help investors deepen their knowledge of this sector, we have selected top research papers that explore these topics in detail.

Carbon Emissions: Under the MicroScope3 (Man Group)

Scope 3 emissions reporting is becoming more important. Unlike Scope 1 and 2, which directly concern the company's activities, Scope 3 focuses on the company's value chain.

Assessing Natural Capital Risks and Opportunities (MFS)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies

Natural capital is quickly becoming a focus of the ESG sector. MFS begins its examination of natural capital in the food industry.

Emissions Saved and Avoided: Capital Goods (Candriam)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in the UK & Europe

As more nations worldwide pledge to reduce carbon emissions in line with international agreements, capital goods companies play a crucial role in achieving this goal.

Education Paper: Sustainable Investment – Not Just an Equity Game (FTSE Russell)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies

ESG is a broad concept that can serve as a framework towards more sustainable capital allocation. How do ESG and fixed income fit together?

ESG Ratings: Art or Science? (RBC GAM, Jun 2022)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in the United States and Canada

ESG data needs to be harmonised, and regulators will play a crucial role in this. Once harmonised, such data can be used to inform much more reliable ESG ratings.

The Effects of ESG on the Global Equities Lending Market (State Street)

How should ESG principles be incorporated into the practice of lending equities by institutional investors, given their duty to vote on corporate matters?

Video: Market Transparency in Green & Transition Finance (EDHEC-Risk Institute)

Market transparency in green and transition finance requires investors and managers to agree on the taxonomies used to discuss these important topics.

Food and Climate Change: Sustainable food systems for net zero (Citi GPS, 2022)

The global food system is responsible for around a third of worldwide emissions. Reforming this major part of the economy will require new thinking from asset allocators.