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Hedge Funds vs. Listed Equities

  • ,  Senior Investment Writer |
  • 04 Dec 2023

hedge funds vs. equities

Are hedge funds beating the public equity markets?

Data on hedge fund performance is, at best, mixed. And it is often not positive, with a clear concentration of high returns in a small number of hedge funds evident. What about the rest? Can they still deliver above market returns? This collection of insights offers the latest thoughts on hedge funds and listed equities to help allocators answer this question.


Hedge Fund Industry Deep Dive: Still Delivering Alpha? (Aurum)

How has the hedge fund sector performed over the long term? Can hedge funds still deliver alpha? These are some of the questions explored here.

Hedge Fund Performance Dominates Over Last 5 Years (CAIA)

This paper argues that hedge fund indices often under-report the performance of the industry because calculations include “full fee” share class performance.

Liquid Alternatives Industry Monitor Q3 2023 (Wilshire)

The performance of liquid alternatives can differ greatly over various time periods, as well as from strategy to strategy.

Managerial Structure in the Hedge Fund Industry

Researchers have extensively investigated the behavioral factors that influence hedge fund investment strategies and contribute to hedge fund returns.

Hedge Funds in 2023: How has the Environment Changed? (Verus Investments)

What does the future have in store for hedge funds? There are three factors to consider: beta, alpha, and implementation.


Era of Exceptional Optimism in the Stock Market (Elliott Wave International)

Looking back at history, there have been periods of extreme market optimism followed by a drastic drop in equity prices. What can investors learn from these episodes?

Can Chinese Equities Withstand A Slowing Economy? (UBS AM)

The answer provided by this paper is "yes" - Chinese equities can withstand a slowing economy. Read more to find out why.

U.S. Equities Market Attributes October 2023 (S&P Dow Jones Indices)

Find out what forces contributed to the performance of the S&P 500 during October: what sectors did well and which did not, and what were the reasons behind their performances.

Fed's Stealth Liquidity Is Fueling A Stock Market Rally (Blockworks Macro)

Michael Howell CEO of CrossBorder Capital explains the vital role that liquidity has been playing in driving stock markets higher.

Listed Equities And The Shift To A Sustainable Economy (BNP Paribas AM)

This podcast explores how listed equities can offer opportunities in the new economic blueprint, where sustainability is at the center.