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Mid-Year Outlooks 2024

  • ,  Senior Investment Writer |
  • 02 Jul 2024
  • Updated 12 Jul 2024

mid-year outlooks

Will the next six months be more volatile than anticipated?

The time has arrived for investors to review how their strategies have performed so far this year and to make any necessary changes to their portfolios in light of new data. This selection of insights from leading asset managers offers in-depth commentary for the next six months to help allocators carry out this task.

2024 Mid-Year Investment Outlook (Invesco)

This in-depth outlook piece provides allocators with the latest thinking on what economies and markets may do over the next few months.

Leveraged Credit 2024: Mid-Year Review & Outlook (Polen Capital)

The current environment demands a higher degree of caution, and therefore, careful credit selection within the high yield and leveraged loan markets remains paramount.

Mid-Year Outlook 2024: The New Reality of Investing (Capital Group)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies

An economic order that is nearly half a century old is changing. Are global investors ready for what the future holds in store for them?

Mid-Year Outlook 2024 (Allspring)

The authors of this paper see two main risks facing investors going into the second half of 2024: the U.S. presidential election and the geopolitical situation in the Middle East.

2024 Mid-Year Outlook: An Unstable Economic Equilibrium (Apollo)

Allocators interested in the potential direction of the U.S. economy will find a trove of insights backed by the latest data in this report.

Mid-Year Outlook 2024 (Barclays Private Bank)

The first half of 2024 has been a year full of surprises for investors. Will the next half of the year be more of the same, or can allocators expect some stability?

Mid-Year Real Assets Outlook (Verus)

In this outlook piece, the authors focus on inflationary forces, real estate fundamentals, private infrastructure, and the future of oil and gas.

Wealth Outlook 2024: Mid-Year Edition (Citi Private Bank)

The global economy has entered a phase of growth and normalization. However, market conditions remain somewhat less than ideal.