Private Assets: Market dynamics and investment strategy
Featured Papers and Interviews with Industry Thought Leaders
Private assets have become a popular choice for investors over the last decade as they offer a way for investors to diversify their portfolios whilst also meeting their objectives. They allow investors to achieve growth through sectors such as private equity and generate income through private debt or real estate.
READ NOW: Private Assets: Market dynamics and investment strategy (Special Report, 2022)
The asset class has generated attractive returns for investors over recent years which has led to capital inflows significantly increasing year on year. The expansion of the alternative investment sector is expected to continue, however, investment experts are intrigued to see how the asset class fares during a recession – a few of the sectors haven’t yet faced a prolonged period of economic volatility.

Private Assets: Market dynamics and investment strategy (Special Report, 2022)
This Special Report discusses why active portfolio management will become more important in the private equity market, and also outlines the potential risks inflation poses to private assets.