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Mid-Year Outlooks 2024 - Part II

  • ,  Senior Investment Writer |
  • 17 Jul 2024
  • Updated 26 Jul 2024

mid-year outlooks

Should investors be worried or excited?

With more mid-year outlooks coming our way, we decided to put together another selection of some of the most interesting pieces that will help allocators make sense of the changing macro and political environment. Make sure to check out JP Morgan AM’s latest Guides to Markets for Q3.

Ideas for Navigating a New Era: Mid-Year Outlook 2024 (Wellington Management)

This outlook offers ideas from different Wellington investors, strategists, and other professionals on risks and opportunities amid continued macro changes.

Gold Mid-Year Outlook 2024 (World Gold Council)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies

As the data in this paper shows, the outlook for gold is bright. However, it is not without risks. Investors need to be selective with their exposures.

Mid-Year Outlook 2024: It’s All about Confidence (Amundi)

For compliance reasons, this paper is NOT accessible in the United States

This outlook brings to light seven convictions held by Amundi regarding the direction of economies and markets in the next six months.

Investment outlook – July 2024 (Natixis IM)

For compliance reasons, this paper is NOT accessible in the United States and Canada

Explore the outlook for various asset classes, including global equities, corporate credit, and currencies.

Macro Outlook 2024 and Beyond (State Street)

An excellent video detailing the possible trajectory of key markets in light of current monetary policy decisions and government actions.

The Red Thread: Mid-Year Outlook 2024 (UBS AM)

Technological change is the driving force behind productivity, which is in turn the driving factor of economic output. How should allocators view disruptive tech?

Secular Outlook for Global Growth: The Next 20 Years (Fidelity Investments)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in the United States

The economic backdrop is the driving factor behind asset prices. How will this look in the next six months is therefore key to portfolio returns.

Investment Outlook Quarterly - July 2024 (Raymond James)

The story of the future of the U.S. economy and markets is likely to be dominated by the presidential election. How should investors position themselves for this event?

The Global Investment Outlook, Mid-Year 2024 (RBC GAM)

The global economy has managed to withstand higher interest rates and continue to grow, reinforcing the view that a recession can be avoided.

The Much-expected Guides to Markets Are Here!

Guides to Markets Q3 2024 (JP Morgan AM)

Explore the Guides to Markets for Q3 2024, detailing market conditions for all the key regions around the world.