Emerging markets and frontier markets under the spotlight
Explore the latest insights into the world's most dynamic markets
From African infrastructure to the fate of countries such as Romania and Georgia, this selection of papers contains everything allocators need to get on top the latest developments across emerging and frontier markets. Strengthen your information edge with these insights.
Optimizing Risk-Adjusted Returns with Frontier Markets Debt (William Blair)
Investment opportunities in frontier markets debt have increased in recent years due to structural improvements and other changes.
Argentina, 1500-2023: An Institutional Story (AIER)
Contemporary Argentina and its economic challenges are the result of centuries of Argentine history.
The International Transmission of Chinese Monetary Policy (VoxEU)
Despite the rise of China as a leading global economy, Chinese monetary policy is still a relatively underexplored subject.
Beyond Misconceptions: Why Asia-Pacific Investment Grade Is a Hidden Gem (KKR)
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APAC is not a monolith; its economies move at different paces, creating diversification benefits for global investors.
Frontier Markets Semi-Annual Outlook Feb 2025 (City of London)
The diverse FM universe is driven by idiosyncratic factors and domestic political developments. Elections in Argentina, Romania and Georgia are scheduled for 2025.
Emerging Markets Insights: China Plays Catch-Up (Franklin Templeton)
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The central banks of Brazil and Mexico cut their economic growth forecasts for 2025. Will other EM central banks follow?
Ever Upwards for AISC, but Regional Variations Are Emerging (World Gold Council)
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Rising prices means marginal, lower grade ore becoming economic. This action also leads to higher royalties and mining tax payments as revenues and profits increase.
Are Emerging Markets Too Cheap? (Money Maze)
Emerging markets offer a wide range of opportunities to global allocators. However, it is important to be selective.
Locked ‘n‘ Loaded and Ready to Fire: First Take on China’s NPC (Amundi)
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Beijing has finally revealed how it plans to keep the Chinese economy steady within a challenging and uncertain macro environment.
Private Capital Investment in Africa’s Infrastructure (AVCA)
Over the last two decades, infrastructure development in Africa has undergone tremendous transformation.