SWFs and Central Banks

SWFs and Central Banks - Conferences

Sovereign Wealth Fund Conferences. Listed in this section are conferences for SWFs and central banks. The SWF Institute hosts the respected SWF Institute Fund Summit which brings together fund managers respresenting some of the world's largest sovereign wealth funds. Incisive Media runs worldwide conferences on national asset-liability management. Topics at sovereign wealth fund events...

may cover the investment philosophy of SWFs, the asset allocation of sovereign wealth funds, allocations to alternatives, risk management and hot topics such as factor-based investing, responsible investing for SWFs and their response to climate change and the threat of stranded assets. Coveted delegates at SWF events include those from the Norwegian Government Pension Fund, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), the China Investment Corporate (CIC), the Qatar Investment Authority, SAMA, HKMA, KIO, GIC Singapore and many others. Other long-term public investors represented at these gatherings include national pension funds and central banks.

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